How Arabian Perfumes Conquered Latin America


The global perfume market is a multi-billion dollar industry, marked by constant growth and innovation. In Latin America, the market is particularly vibrant, with consumers showing a deep cultural appreciation for unique and exotic scents. Arabian perfumes, known for their rich and long-lasting fragrances, have found a burgeoning market in this region. Their success in Latin America highlights the potential for niche fragrances to captivate and thrive in diverse markets. 

In this article we will explore the remarkable success story of Arabian perfumes in Latin America, demonstrating how these exotic scents have revolutionized the local fragrance industry. 

Fragrance market in Latin America

The perfume market in Latin America is expansive and growing rapidly, driven by a rising preference for international fragrances and a curiosity for new and exotic scents. Consumers in this region are increasingly seeking high-quality perfumes from global brands, appreciating the variety and sophistication they bring. This trend towards international perfumes highlights the dynamic nature of Latin American consumers, who value both tradition and innovation in their fragrance choices, making the region a promising and lucrative market for global perfume brands.

In 2023, the Latin American perfume market reached a value of approximately USD 3.57 billion. The market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.10% between 2024 and 2032, reaching a value of USD 8.46 billion by 2032. 

About Arabian Perfumes

Arabian perfumes have been steadily gaining popularity in Latin America, captivating consumers with their exotic and luxurious scents. These perfumes are renowned for their distinctive fragrance profiles, which resonate well with the diverse tastes and preferences of Latin American consumers. The introduction of Arabian perfumes has brought a new dimension to the local fragrance market, offering a range of fragrances that blend traditional Middle Eastern ingredients with modern appeal. This trend highlights a growing appreciation for international perfumes in the region, reflecting a cultural shift towards embracing global olfactory experiences. As more consumers seek out unique and high-quality scents, Arabian perfumes continue to carve out a niche and expand their presence across Latin America’s dynamic market. 

The following shows how in the last 12 months, searches for Arabian perfumes, particularly the brand Lattafa, have significantly increased in countries like Mexico and Brazil.

Arabian fragrances have gained significant popularity on social media. Influencers and effective social media campaigns have played a key role in promoting these fragrances, showcasing their luxurious qualities to a global audience and solidifying their status as coveted products in the market. 

The most popular Arabian perfumes in the region are from the Lattafa brand, a luxury perfume label headquartered in the United Arab Emirates. Its popularity stems from the rich history and tradition of perfume-making in Arab culture, alongside the originality and long-lasting quality of its fragrances.

Becoming Amazon’s top-selling product

Let’s talk about how one of our products, specifically a Lattafa perfume model ASAD, became the bestseller on Amazon Brazil. At nocnoc, we are known for our deep understanding of the Latin American market regarding new trends and consumer preferences. We not only follow new trends but also, in some cases, pioneer in boosting the popularity of certain products in the region, and this is one of those cases. 

Last year, we identified the increasing global demand for these perfumes, prompting us to introduce them to the Latin American market with the clear projection that they would become highly popular. This decision was based on the unique characteristics of the Lataffa perfumes and the Latin Americans’ demand for new and exotic scents. This is how we secured a seller with these perfumes and immediately published them across our network of mega stores, including Amazon Brazil, where we now have an Arabian perfume as the bestseller in its category. 

Through various promotions and Amazon Ads campaigns, we’ve achieved significant visibility for this product within the marketplace compared to other competitors offering the same product. Additionally, participating in Amazon’s event calendar, including festivities like Black Friday, Prime Day, Cyber Monday, among others, was crucial in further enhancing visibility and sales for the listing. These strategies led us to secure a place on the highly visited best-selling products page on Amazon. 

Comparing the first and second halves of this year, the number of orders generated by our Lattafa ASAD perfume model grew by 674.66%, while the GMV also experienced significant growth, increasing by 942.34%.

Arabian perfumes started booming all over LatAm

With the growing demand for these types of products in various countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and others, several online news portals have published articles about this trend and where to find the perfumes in online stores. 

The portal Notícias do Brasil wrote about the popularity of Lattafa perfumes and the ease of access to them through the Amazon marketplace. Both this and other articles about the Lattafa case have clearly further fueled consumer interest in these fragrances and the possibility of accessing them. 


This is a clear example of what we work towards every day, with the goal of maximizing the potential of every product in our vast catalog and the brands that partner with us. Our deep understanding of the Latin American market, combined with the expertise of our team, are key factors that lead to these types of achievements. nocnoc becomes the best solution for international retailers looking to boost their sales like never before and fully capitalize on the potential of the Latin American market, without failing in the attempt.

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